Would you like to start volunteering?
One of the best ways to get connected to the family at FCC is through volunteering. You meet new people, learn more about your gifts, and make a difference. Without volunteers we wouldn’t be able to do Sunday mornings, Kids or Youth ministry, Go Love Kokomo, or … anything we do!
We are looking for new greeters, tech help, people who love kids and teens, and so much more. Check with any staff member or elder to get plugged in.
This ministry serves children from babies to grade 5. The focus is to create a fun, safe, and meaningful experience for our kids. We want to teach Biblical truths to our children while building relationships with them. Training and background check required. (Estimated time per week: 1 hour) If interested, please contact our Children’s Minister, Kyrsti Stryker, at kyrsti.stryker@myfcc.church.
This ministry serves grades 6 through 12. It is a safe place for them to open their heart, share their life, and ask tough questions that teens face every day. They meet in the youth room at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings and then on Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Also, they have various youth activities and outings that need chaperons. Background check required. (Estimated time per week: Varies) If interested, please contact our Youth Minister, Jay Bennett, at jay.bennett@myfcc.church.
This ministry is primarily on Sunday mornings. Greeters welcome guests, hand out the Sunday program, and make people feel at ease and be of assistance to all those who enter our church. Training is required. (Estimated time per week: 1-2 hours) If interested, please contact our Associate Minister, Jay Bennett, at jay.bennett@myfcc.church.
This ministry is needed on Sunday mornings to provide assistance to our guests. Training is required. (Estimated time per week: 1 hour) If interested, please contact our Associate Minister, Jay Bennett, at jay.bennett@myfcc.church.
An office aide would help with folding the Sunday Programs, assembling the Chatter (monthly newsletter), assembling special event booklets, answering the phone, and other office tasks. (Estimated time per week: Varies) If interested, please contact our Ministry Assistant, Kyrsti Stryker, at kyrsti.stryker@myfcc.church.
We are in need of volunteers to shovel the entryways on Sunday mornings now through March. If you are able and willing, please sign up at the Information Desk at church. Thank you!
This team provides various creative and supportive technologies for weekend services and special events. Positions include: Stage Manager, Lights Operator, Light Design, Graphics and Presentation Operator, Graphic Design, Audio Mixer and Recorder, Camera operator and Videographer. Training will be provided based upon area of service.(Estimated time per week: Varies) If interested, please contact our Worship Minister, Garritt Stryker, at garrittstryker@yahoo.com.
This ministry uses volunteers that are gifted musically and have a heart that pours out in worship and adoration of the God we serve. The Worship Team leads our congregation in contemporary music at our 9:15 and 10:45 services. This ministry requires the participant to be very self-motivated, as the majority of rehearsal time is done on personal time. (Estimated time per week: 6 hours for the weeks you play) If interested, please contact our Worship Minister, Garritt Stryker, at garrittstryker@yahoo.com.