At Fairfield we support missions funding through a program called Go Love Our World (formerly known as Faith Promise).
Each year, the first Sunday in May is GLOW (Go Love Our World) Sunday. Please be in prayer about how you may be able to contribute. You can give to Missions by writing “GLOW” or “Missions” on the memo line of your check made out to Fairfield Christian Church. You can also give online here. Be sure to put Missions in the drop down box.
• Mark and Joy Hoff with Bajio Christian Mission; Honduras
• Ball State University Christian Campus House; Muncie, IN
Mark Pike, Senior Campus Minister,
• Dot Elliott with Team Expansion; Santa Maria delle Mole, Italy
• Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism (FAME)
• International Disaster Emergency Services (IDES)
• Patrick Mahoney at Colegio Biblico; El Paso, TX
What is Go Love Our World (GLOW)?
Your Go Love Our World commitment is over and above your regular church giving. Go Love Our World is formerly known as Faith Promise.
Basically, a Go Love Our World commitment is a promise a family or an individual makes to give a certain amount to missions, based on their faith that God will provide the means or ability.
When we made Jesus Lord of our lives, we promised to do whatever He asked because we believed that He will give us the power and the means to do it.
Missionaries are people who have responded to the call of God to perform a particular ministry. They, too, are trusting God to provide for their ministries. We know that it is very unlikely that God is going to provide manna from heaven for them every day or that He will set a bag of money on their doorstep each month.
It is clear from Scripture that God meets the needs of His people through the added blessings that He gives other believers. This is demonstrated through the sacrificial giving of the churches of Macedonia for meeting the needs of the starving Christians in Jerusalem, as well as continued support that was given to the ministry of Paul by the church at Philippi.
The eleventh chapter of Acts tells us that some men from Cyprus and Cyrene went to Antioch and preached the Good News about Jesus, and the church grew by leaps and bounds. It was there that the believers were first called Christians. But history does not even record the names of those missionaries who preached there. However, the Lord knows them and those who made it possible for them to go and it is credited to their “account” of spiritual blessings and their treasure in heaven.
One Comment
Thank you for supporting my mission here in Italy with your giving! Next Sunday is your GLOW (Go Love Our World) Sunday. It’s a special day here, too. Among the young adult group, who meets in my home, there has been 3 baptisms since I have been here, and next Sunday, the 4th and newest person in the group will be baptized (we’ve needed warmer weather to baptize in the Mediterranean Sea.) These young adults eternities are part of the reason you give! Praising God for each of you!