Engaging community to transform lives through Jesus.

Elephants in the Room: Until All Are Free – Human Trafficking – Isaiah 42:22

What can you do:

Christians have a critical role to play in combating human trafficking.

Ultimately, to get it to stop, we have to recognize not only what it is and how it’s generated BUT be willing to stand up against it.

We should view ourselves as agents of awareness, prevention and support.

  • Education – awareness

There needs to be programs in every school – every middle school, every high school, and every college

Human trafficking awareness programs can teach boys and girls about the dangers of trafficking, the dangers of social media manipulation, and consequences of porn use

We all need to know the warning signs of trafficking relationships and parents need to teach their kids these signs too

Be aware of your surroundings – both for your safety but also for signs of trafficking, Because traffickers are counting on the ignorance of the general public.

Start noticing other people.  Traffickers sometimes have “branding” tattoos on victims.

  • Eliminate Demand

As long as there is a demand for sexual exploitation – there will be human trafficking

Address demand – Stop consuming porn

Every perpetrator began by viewing porn!

The church needs to stop shying away from discussing Porn openly and making those who struggle feel isolated

– the gospel of grace and redemption is the only cure

Parents talk to your kids about Porn, about sexual jokes and sexual harassment

Stop saying “boys will be boys”

Girls don’t let your boyfriend talk you into watching porn

Advocate sexual wholeness

Parents – be aware that our teen boys are showing porn to girls in school to ask them if they’d do those type of things.

Teach our young boys that sexual misbehavior is dangerous

  • Support Anti-Trafficking organizations and Rehabilitation ministries

In whatever ways we can, we should support causes and organizations that are working to uncover and prosecute those who are driving the industry of sex slavery

Financial support of local anti-trafficking ministries.

Volunteers and donations of household items, food, clothing and are also often needed in the rehab of victims

Set up collections or consider hosting fundraisers to support anti-trafficking efforts.

  • Guard your community / your zip code

 Get school boards to implement awareness programs

Vote for politicians to enact laws locally and nationally

Get educated on what are signs of trafficking

be the “eyes and ears” of the community / neighborhood

  • Guard your home

 Educate yourself and your kids that how they pose in pictures and what they post online matters

We need to have conversations – don’t just tell your kids “sex trafficking is bad”

It’s not easy to talk about – but we need to step into the uncomfortable and have continuous conversations in a casual way

Teach them to be situationally aware of their surroundings

Teach them to be their “brothers’ / sisters’ keeper”

Teach your kids to always maintain eye contact and not look passively down at the ground.


Let’s ask God, together, to give us a heart of compassion that rolls like justice and moves like a mighty flowing river (Amos 5:24).

That He would show us how we can be His arms to abolish slavery

I pray we are spiritually disturbed and changed.

Pray that God would make the injustice of human trafficking as repulsive to you as it is to Him.

Ask God for wisdom to address the injustice of slavery with boldness and with Christ’s love in whatever capacity that you can.